Bitcoin hosting and its types

Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency. It can be used to make digital payment and anonymous payments. People use bitcoin to pay to purchase web hosting services; this includes domain name registration for website owners. The main advantage of using bitcoin for payment is that the purchaser can stay anonymous. There are multiple types of bitcoin hosting that are available in the market.
For purchasing the hosting plans using bitcoin, you just need to select the plan that you wanna purchase, select the bitcoin payment mechanism that you want to use, and make the payment. The only information that is required is your bitcoin address. This payment mechanism will never ask for your names, ID no. or any other personal detail.
1. Website hosting –
A website hoster allots the web space on a web server to a website owner. The purchaser makes the payment to this website hosting with bitcoins, this is known as website hosting.
2. Reseller hosting –
It is a form of hosting wherein the account owner of the website has a deal with a Webhosting company for reselling their services to end-customers. It is a business model in which a web hosting provider allows some of its website space to be sold by a third party organization.
3. VPS hosting –
A VPS stands for “Virtual Private Server.” As the name suggests, it is a private server, that you own private space as a dedicated server. The VPS hosting is always for virtual access to the dedicated space, facilitating root access.
4. WordPress hosting –
This simply means that an optimum hosting service for the better usage of WordPress. It has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent times.
5. Magneto hosting –
Magneto is an open-source platform that supports the eCommerce websites on the internet. Magneto hosting means that providing the best services to develop the optimum performance of the platform. This hosting is meant to provide the best facilities like HTTP, PHP, and MySQL.
6. Joomla hosting –
It is a content management system that is used for publishing web content. If you purchase Joomla hosting services then you get benefits like website navigation, customer support, migration, and also auto-updates.