Everything you need to know about Home Watchers

Think of a home watch company as a security system for your home. Home watch companies provide a range of services to help you feel safe and secure in your home, including 24/7 monitoring, fire evacuation assistance and immediate response to emergencies. Apprehensive about the Home Watch Association? Worry not, and read on for more information.

What is a Home Watch company?

A Home Watch company is a service that provides a homeowner with peace of mind when they are away from their property. The HWA is the only body recognized by the government to regulate Home Watch companies and ensure they meet certain criteria. Members of the Association must hold an Annual General Meeting, have an elected committee, an audited financial statement, invest in security measures and have a trained team of staff that can respond swiftly to any emergency.

What is the HWA?

The HWA is the trade association for home watch companies.

The association’s mission is to promote and protect the interests of home watch companies’ interests and support, train and educate its members.

It provides a code of conduct for its members that covers how they should deal with customers regarding their complaints or disputes.

Where does Home Watch fit into the real estate industry?

Home Watch is a service that provides peace of mind for people who are selling their homes but don’t want to leave them empty.

Home Watch also provides peace of mind for people who are buying a new home but don’t want to move in immediately.

You can be confident in the professionalism of HWA members.

Home Watch Association members are required to meet strict standards and follow a Code of Conduct.

  • HWA members must hold Professional Indemnity Insurance and pay an annual fee that helps cover the cost of administering the scheme, including providing 24/7 support.
  • Members must agree to adhere to the HWA’s Code of Conduct and procedures.
  • The Home Watch Association has an online portal where you can see if any HWA member has been reported as having breached its rules or who you should report someone who has done so yourself.

What to look for in a Home Watcher

  • Look for a home watch company that has been in business for at least 5 years. Doing so will ensure that the business is trustworthy, reliable and stable.
  • Look for a home watch company with a good reputation. Good reviews from previous customers can help you gauge whether or not this is the right company for you to hire, as they indicate whether or not they provide quality service and if they are reputable enough to do so.
  • Consider getting suggestions from friends or family members who have used their services before; this way, you’ll be able to compare the various companies on offer and see which ones work best for your needs!
  • Be sure that any potential companies are insured in case something goes wrong during their visit; this way, if something happens while they’re watching over your house while you’re away (e.g., fire breaks out), no one gets hurt or loses anything valuable as a result!

Benefits of using Home Watching Services

  • Peace of mind. With home-watching services, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your home is safe, secure and taken care of during those times when it’s not occupied.
  • Convenience. When you’re running errands or spending time with family and friends, it can be extremely inconvenient if someone suddenly needs to access your house while you’re gone. With the advent of modern technology, there are now ways to keep tabs on your property even when you’re away from it; this means that homeowners don’t have to worry about their homes being left unattended for long periods because they can always check up on their homes remotely using computers or mobile phones (or even a tablet).

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