Effective Aftercare Planning for Lasting Sobriety at Mallard Lake Detox Center in Houston, TX

Aftercare refers to the ongoing support provided following rehab discharge. An often neglected aspect of addiction treatment is the aftercare plan. Upon exiting a treatment center, it is essential to focus on relapse prevention, typically, after detox, an individual returns to the demands of daily life. Family members and friends may assist you after rehab by engaging in mutual-help groups, acknowledging your achievements, and promoting your healthy practices. Elements that need to be included in an aftercare plan may consist of transfer to a sober living facility, ongoing treatment, and participation in group sessions. A well-structured strategy helps reduce patient worry and anxiety. At Mallard Lake Detox Center, our primary focus is patient care, to facilitate sobriety and support long-term recovery. Here are more details about our aftercare planning in Houston.

Individual Therapy

We urge all patients to continue individual therapy after detox. Upon completing our treatment, you may continue working with the professional therapist you saw during detox. Should you choose an alternative path, we will willingly connect you with a qualified and authorized therapist in your area, who has personal expertise in drug use disorder recovery. 

Alumni Programs 

Aftercare plans including alumni programs provide resources and assistance to aid individuals in managing drug use disorders throughout their reintegration into home life after treatment. Mallard Lake Detox Center offers an alumni program for people who have completed our detox or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and have maintained sobriety. Alumni coordinate activities and gatherings annually, providing opportunities for connection and mutual support as they advance in their recovery paths. 

Sober Living Homes 

Sober living houses are dwellings devoid of drugs and alcohol, offering a secure and supportive atmosphere for recovery. These residences advocate a person-focused and strength-based methodology, assisting people in fulfilling their needs and objectives. Residents are required to refrain from substance use, diligently pursue their recoveries, and adhere to the home regulations. Each sober living residence has specific rules, however, common expectations are completing household tasks and adhering to a curfew. 

12-Step Programs 

Mallard Lake Detox Center endorses the 12-step strategy for addiction treatment and encourages individuals to engage in a 12-step program of their choice after detox. Individuals are acquainted with the framework of Alcoholics Anonymous throughout our detox treatment and may engage in recovery meetings if they feel inclined to do so. In our aftercare planning process, we assist patients in selecting the most suitable 12-step program for their needs. 

Inpatient Treatment Services 

Mallard Lake Detox Center provides inpatient medical care. Patients get secure reliable treatment from our competent medical personnel. Our doctors are accessible around the clock to provide prompt attention to emergencies. As patients reside on-site, they gain access to all essential services and facilities to facilitate their recovery in a conducive setting.

Continue Your Recovery Journey with Comprehensive Aftercare Planning at Mallard Lake Detox Center in Houston, TX 

An aftercare plan is essential for achieving sustained recovery from addiction. Including components like counseling, support groups, therapy, and relapse prevention measures can help ensure success on your post-rehab journey. At Mallard Lake Detox Center, we recognize that every individual’s recovery experience is unique. Consequently, we provide customized aftercare planning services to assist you in maintaining focus and attaining your objectives. Our team of experts is committed to assisting you at every stage, offering the knowledge and tools necessary for sustained sobriety. Contact us today to develop a tailored aftercare plan and receive ongoing support. Your promising future begins now! 


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